Contact us
It helps us to know who is interested in buying the Zebra-Trem pedal. Cash flow and component availability mean that we can't make large batches, so when a favourable piece of publicity comes out, we can't always meet the ensuing demand immediately. By providing us with a way to contact you, you are helping us to meet demand we otherwise couldn't.
It's good for us, so we'd like to make it good for you, too. That's why we'd like to offer you 10% off your purchase, if you make one, just for emailing us. There's no obligation, of course. We'll email you when we're ready to make a pedal for you, just to make sure you're still keen to buy. That's all we'll be using your email address for: no spam, no incessant marketing, just the chance to buy a discounted Zebra-Trem.
Whether it's about buying a pedal at a discount, or something else entirely, we'd love to hear from you! Please email us on: